Mended Hearts Stables 1431 Lourdes RdMetamora, IL, 61548 View Phone 309-231-8705 1431 Lourdes RdMetamora, IL 61548 View Website Experience & Reliability About About Us For child counseling, couples therapy and teen counseling in Metamora, IL, come to Mended Hearts Stables. We are a non-profit therapeutic and counseling center. For over 15 years, we have been contributing positively to the emotional, physical, cognitive and social well-being of people emotional, behavioral, social, and physical disorders to enable them to lead lives of quality and with dignity. So come by Mended Hearts Stables today and see what we can do for you. Send to My Email Send to My Phone Print this Page
About Us For child counseling, couples therapy and teen counseling in Metamora, IL, come to Mended Hearts Stables. We are a non-profit therapeutic and counseling center. For over 15 years, we have been contributing positively to the emotional, physical, cognitive and social well-being of people emotional, behavioral, social, and physical disorders to enable them to lead lives of quality and with dignity. So come by Mended Hearts Stables today and see what we can do for you.