Fay Grafton Nunez

  • 2609 Atlantic Avenue
  • Ste 207
  • Raleigh, NC,  27604
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Experience & Reliability


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    • Immigration Law Services

      The landscape of immigration law is as complex and nuanced as any area of law in this nation. We have rules, exceptions to the rules, exceptions to the exceptions, new programs designed to work around the rules, executive orders that may or may not be legal – and the only real answer a person can generally get is, “It depends.”. Our immigration law practice focuses on helping you obtain or retain the right to live in the USA.

        Criminal Defense Law

        The criminal justice system is a tilted field, unfair to defendants from the start. In a typical criminal matter, the officer who arrested you, the magistrate who set your initial bond, the district attorney who prosecutes you, and the judge who presides over your case are all government employees & you happen to be on their home court. Legislators pass new laws every session making it easier for the state to win convictions and they rely on the revenue in order to continue to function.

        Have Fay Grafton Nunez & up to 3 other local criminal lawyers contact you!