Additional Information

  • Sporting Goods, Boat Dealers, Camping Equipment, Guns & Ammunition
  • American Express, Cash, Check, MasterCard, Traveler's Check, Visa


  • Regular Hours
    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Cabela's is open 364 days a year!

About Us

  • As the first Cabela's in Missouri, we pulled out all the stops to bring a serious outdoor experience to the Show-Me-State. The Hazelwood Cabela's store was built to not only surround customers with quality outdoor products, but to engage them with lifelike taxidermy, local fish swimming in the aquarium and an indoor archery test area. Located just off I-270, north of I-70 (Exit 22B, Hwy. 370), the impressive 130,000-sq.-ft. retail showroom is packed with outdoor equipment. Whether you're visiting the St. Louis Arch, exploring the wilds of the Ozarks or just stocking up on gear, our experienced Outfitters are ready and waiting to help you get the most out of your next adventure. Inside the Store As you enter the store be sure to look up! A beautifully aged bridge with a vintage pickup driving across. 180 degree turn and you’ll notice a hand-painted mural of the Ozark Bluffs. From there you'll notice our conservation mountain located in the center of the store. From Midwest whitetails, to the Arctic polar bear, the mountain offers an incredible and diverse display of North American Wildlife. In addition, a gorgeous waterfall drops into a trout pond below with both brown and rainbow trout species. Other great displays in our store include The Ozark Trails Museum, which offers you the opportunity to view record book whitetails and hear front porch stories from "Grandpa" as he reflects on the early days of conservation. 3 Aquariums, over 45,000 gallons total, house an array of different fish species that are native to the area. Don't forget to make it to the rear of the store and admire our 45lb Alligator Snapping turtle. Events From our Spring Fishing Classic in February to the Fall Hunting Classic in August, your neighborhood Cabela's has you covered for every season. Join us during our event weekends for door prizes and giveaways and listen to our local experts share their insight to enhance your outdoor experience. Santa's Wonderland In early November we kickoff the holiday season with Santa’s arrival! Come on out any time between his arrival and December 24th, and take advantage of a free 4x6 photo with Santa. In addition children can enjoy crafts, and check of some of the season’s best toys.

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