Additional Information

  • 1996
  • Window Cleaning, Handyman Services, Home Remodeling, Swimming Pools
  • 2500 PSI to 10000 PSI pressure washing
  • Commercial power washing, Handyman services, Residential power washing, Deck pressure washing, House pressure washing, Concrete pressure washing, Vinyl siding pressure washing, Patio pressure washing, Brick wall pressure washing, Awning pressure washing, Garage pressure washing, Door pressure washing, Roof pressure wash, Parking lot pressure wash, Storefront pressure wash, Sidewalk pressure wash, Swimming pool area pressure wash, Dumpster area pressure wash, Maintenance area pressure wash, Cement mixer pressure wash, Wall pressure wash, Barn pressure wash, Building pressure wash, Window pressure wash, Green house pressure wash, Graffiti wall pressure wash, Shop area pressure wash, Pool cover pressure wash, Restroom pressure wash, Restaurant hood pressure wash, Interior pressure wash, Exterior pressure wash, Blacktop pressure wash, Driveway pressure wash, Condominium pressure wash, Walkway pressure wash, Home restoration, Siding repair, Aluminum capping, Gutter pressure wash, Deck repair, Patio repair, Porch pressure wash, Porch repair, Gutter cleaning, Downspout repair, Downspout cleaning, Window repair, Trim repair, Weather stripping, Home winterizing, Stadium pressure washing, Basketball court pressure washing, Tennis court pressure washing, Outdoor track pressure washing, Playground pressure wash, Stairway pressure washing, 2500 PSI to 10000 PSI pressure washing, Stucco power washing, Roof power wash, Fence power washing, Strip Mall power washing, Curbing power washing, Loading dock power washing, Car lot power washing, Warehouses, Awnings, Mobile homes, Tractor trailers, Tractor Exteriors, Tractor interiors, House Wash, Fall Clean up, Leaf Blowing
  • Gum removal, Deck pressure washing, Residential pressure washing, Commercial pressure washing, Handyman services, Storefront pressure washing, Stadium pressure washing, Tennis court pressure washing, Basketball court pressure washing, Outdoor track pressure washing, Interior pressure wash, Exterior pressure wash, SIdewalk pressure wash, Home siding pressure wash, Window pressure wash, Restaurant hood pressure wash, Playground pressure wash, Stairway pressure washing, Driveway pressure washing, 2500 PSI to 10000 PSI pressure washing, House Wash, Home Winterizing
  • American Express, Cash, Check, Discover, MasterCard, PayPal, Visa
  • English
  • Better Business Bureau


  • Regular Hours
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Call anytime for service or a quote 24 hours a day.

About Us

  • AC Hot Water Power Washing & Handyman provides professional power washing services with free consultations to New Jersey and Pennsylvania, (Tri-State area). Call for service, Quote, or to schedule a free consultation at 856-228-3879 or on our cell phone# 609-254-7576. We're ready to help you with any power washing project, residential or commercial. If your home or business has lost some of its luster over the years, AC Hot Water Power Washing & Handy Man can restore it, making it look as good as new. No harsh chemicals needed. We simply use state of the art equipment that allows us to adjust power and pressure to safely handle any job from 2500 PSI to 10000 PSI, with heat at 100 degree temperatures when and if necessary. We not only get the job done right the first time, but we also can get it done fast. We'll make your home or business look amazing. We are licensed and insured for your safety. We handle various power washing jobs: house wash, gum removal, vinyl siding power wash, home exterior power wash, storefront power wash, sidewalk power wash, driveway power wash, deck power wash, awning power wash, stairway power wash, brick wall power wash, tennis court power wash, barn power wash, porch power wash, poolside power wash, swimming pool area power wash, playground area power wash, stadium project power wash, dumpster area power wash, apartment power wash, concrete power wash, restaurant hood power wash, walkway power wash, condominium power wash, building side power wash, outdoor basketball court power wash, college, university, high school, school district building and grounds projects ...and more. Please call to discuss your project. Same day services available.

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