Additional Information

  • 2010
  • Pet Shops & Supplies
  • Wiki Wags
  • English

About Us

  • With over 30 years in the pet industry, it was easy to see the need was great for a product such as Wiki Wags (R) brand Disposable Male Dog Wraps and our "Super-Wik" Piddle Pads. We wholesale to over 55 companies in more than 24 states nationwide and have a strong retail presence as well for the savvy conscience pet owner; because our customers know we stand for quality and dependability. Times have changed and techniques have improved - but male marking or incontinence has not. The folks who developed these products understand just how great the need is for pet owners to be able to ...bring harmony back in the home! The time for male dog wraps that actually work without the mess have arrived! And, if you are no longer pleased with your cheap bargain brand piddle pads that all too often fall apart, leak, and you can even see thru, maybe it's time to upgrade to ones that offer success with more benefits. Then you'll REALLY BE PLEASED! Try our "Super-Wik" piddle pads made for puppies through adult dogs and observe the difference. You'll find yourself USING LESS PADS TO DO THE JOB your bargain brands can't. Visit us at to place your order today.

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