About Us

  • Our professional master mechanics are dedicated to providing you with quality and value. Our mechanics are highly skilled and have years of experience working on all European marques. What separates them from others, however, are the intangibles. They have passion for these vehicles, resulting in an exceptional level of commitment that is unsurpassed in upstate New York. In addition to having incomparable technical capability, our mechanics also are personable and genuinely care about the individual customer’s opinions and needs. Once you get to know them, you will be convinced your car is in “good hands”. Justin Henry, Service Manager – Justin is a BMW enthusiast who owns a highly modified BMW 135i that has an engine rated at approximately 400 bhp. Jeff Thomas – The owner of Upstate Imports and resident SAAB aficionado. Jeff worked at Swedish Auto in Syracuse for over two decades and currently owns a E39 M5 with 625hp. His enthusiasm and integrity are what make Upstate Imports special. Logan Thomas – Jeff’s son, Logan, like his father, also loves BMW’s and drives a high performance BMW 335i with over 500hp. Landon Thomas - Our newest technician and Jeff's son, Landon, also drives a BMW 335ci with some minor modifications making 400hp.