
  • Regular Hours

Experience & Reliability

  • BBB Rating Available
  • In Business Since: 1987
  • Insured
  • Employee Background Checks
  • Family Owned & Operated


  • Credit Cards Accepted: ATM/Debit Card, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Personal Checks

About Us

  • Hi, my name is Denise Pardo, my husband John and I are the owners of Tumbling Tykes. I am a licensed speech language pathologist and mother of four young children. I have worked for the past 12 years as a speech pathologist serving infants and children from birth to five years of age. It has always been my dream to own a company like Tumbling Tykes where children can grow and learn in a healthy, secure, loving and nurturing environment. It is my goal to provide the community with a high quality child enrichment center and ensure the individual needs of each child in our programs are met through developmentally appropriate, educationally rich activities. I want Tumbling Tykes to be a family friendly atmosphere where children can feel safe and secure to discover the world around them. Developing self-confidence at an early age is vital to a child's success. Since it is known that children learn best through play, my goal is to provide an enviornonment where that can happen. While it may seem your child is playing just for fun, your child is actually learning. Playing uses all of your child's senses making it a natural way for a child to learn. Sensory awareness is important to a growing child. You can build your child's self-confidence, self-esteem, focus their attention and improve their language and motor skills by interacting with them both at home and in the "real world." Our nursery school program will provide a stimulating and academic rich program to give your child the best start to their educational career. Our birthday parties and summer camp will continue to be a fun, exciting, stimulating as well as educational experience for all involved. I am very excited to share my experiences with you all! I hope your experience at Tumbling Tykes is a pleasant one. If for any reason it is not, we want to hear about it. Your feedback is critical to our success.