About Us

  • Business Name: The Landscape Consulting Group Business Website: www.thelawnguys.net Keywords: landscaper, lawn service, lawn care, landscaping, turf, mowing, edging, pruning, trimming, aerating, weed control, seeding, fertilizing, pine straw, mulch. Description: TLC is all you need! TLC offers comprehensive care for your lawns needs. What separates us from our competitors? One, we can provide you with maintenance and turf protection solutions under one roof. And two, we know you want more than just your lawn mowed each week. You need a consultant to help get your lawn looking its best. We'll stick by you through every step of your lawn maintenance needs. More value for your money, that's our goal. Our focus is providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to exceed your expectations. Mowing-Edging-Trimming-Pruning-Scalping-Aerating-Weed Control Fertilizing-Seeding-Pine Straw-Mulch Owner Name: Elijah Thomas Full Address: 40 Hightower Parkway Dawsonville, Ga 30534 Phone: (678) 524-9904 Business Email: elijah@thelawnguys.net Number of Employee: 8 Operating Hours: 7:00am - 7:00pm Monday - Sunday Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/landscapeconsulting/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElijahTlc Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/110936446523601949617/110936446523601949617/about?gmbpt=true&pageId=110936446523601949617