- Regular Hours
By Appointment Only
Experience & Reliability
Years of Experience: 20
Certified Massage Therapy
Back and Neck Injuries
Back Pain Issues
Headache Relief
Heated Massage Tables
Manual Therapy
Muscle Spasms
Neuro Rehabilitation
Sports Massage
Women's Health
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Credit Cards Accepted:
About Us
Finally the results you have been waiting for. Free your body of pain and dysfunction with soft tissue treatment.
My treatment consists of working with the body as one integrated matrix of tissues .
My abilty to view and work with the body as a 3 dimensional system, allows me to address the variable levels of compensations which includes the fascia, nerves, organ and circulatory systems. Working with the whole body yet still focusing on the smallest details, my treatments are noted to dramatically alter’s one’s structure, diminish pain and improve mobility and function. Each treatment is unique, reflecting the needs of the client both immediate and long term. You will find my work extraordinarily detailed, massively effective and producing sustainable results.
Other Specialties: Scar tissue, Movement Re-educating, Scoliosis