About Us

  • "In 1951, the Las Camigas couples group started a Sunday church school in order to have their children instructed in the Christian faith. The Rt. Rev. Francis Eric Bloy, Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles, sent Capt. Raymond W. Lewis of the Church Army, a missionary order of the Episcopal Church, to minister to the Camarillo people.In 1953, the congregation became a mission of the diocese and received its name in honor of a missionary who evangelized Scotland in the 5th. century. The congregation first worshipped at Griffin's Funeral Chapel in Camarillo, while Sunday School was held in the local VFW Hall. As the membership grew, the services were held at the VFW Hall and then at the Somis Club building in nearby Somis.In 1953, the congregation began a campaign to raise funds for building a church and parish hall. Our two acre site was donated in memory of Lillian Converse by her husband, E.E. Converse. By 1954 the building was completed and occupied by the growing congregation. Capt. Lewis continued to serve the mission until the first priest, The Reverend John Erickson, was installed as Vicar. Upon obtaining parish status, Fr. Erickson became the first rector, to be followed by The Reverend Gerald Graves in 1961. During Fr. Graves 8 years as rector, the existing church was built. The Reverend Dr. Alfred Smith became rector in 1970 and retired in 1999 after serving St. Columba's for over 28 years. Fr. Gregory Larkin became St. Columba's fourth rector in 2000 and The Reverend Julie H. Morris joined him as assistant in the summer of 2001. In July, 2004, The Reverend Julie Morris moved on to assume duties of Chaplain at CSUCI and later helped to begin the Abundant Table Ministry also at CSUCI, as well as the Join the Farm project. Also in July, 2004, The Reverend George Luthringer joined St. Columba's as Assistant."