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  • Categories: Fishing, Boat Rental & Charter

About Us

  • Clearwater Beach, Florida is home to some of the best fishing available anywhere. Clearwater is home to more calm sea days, which means excellent fishing more often. West Florida also offers the best grouper fishing, second to none. While there is an abundance of fishing available, you still have to know where to go to be on the fish. That is where Captain Bill of the Snoopy II becomes your new best friend. Captain Bill Moran has been a professional angler for over 24 years and has run the Snoopy Charters since 1984. He knows where the fish are and takes you there. He knows fishing can be seasonal. For instance, you will not find barracuda fishing in winter. However, he will take you to the best places for grouper and snapper. If you only have a few hours to fish, do not despair. Captain Bill offers 4, 6, and 8-hour trips on the Snoopy II. A 4-hour shark-fishing trip is also available from June through September. Fishing hours are flexible, but the hours listed are the best times to fish. Otherwise, you may not find as many fish or the marine traffic will inhibit fishing. His boat, the Snoopy II, is a fiberglass hulled boat and equipped with all modern electronics. At over 14-feet wide and 40-feet long, it has plenty of fishing area. It also has a cabin, galley and bathroom. A dinette area is shaded, but still open to the fishing area. The twin-turbo charged Caterpillar engines ensure that you will get to your fishing destination without wasting time or good weather. While the weather in Clearwater usually consists of clear, sun-drenched skies, bad weather can happen. Captain Bill continually monitors weather conditions to make sure your trip is a good one. If bad weather does become a problem, and your trip has to be cancelled, your deposit is refunded to you. You can find the Snoopy II and Captain Bill at the Clearwater Beach Marina, slip number 35. Parking is available at the Marina parking lot. Captain Bill will be happy to give you a parking permit, just ask him for one. Phone or e-mail Captain Bill today to start planning your fishing adventure.