Experience & Reliability

  • In Business Since: 1960

About Us

  • Sherrill, Inc. has been in operation for over 50 years (since 1960). Today, operating in the same small town it was born in, Greensboro, North Carolina, SherrillTree is a business that is all about connecting tree enthusiasts with top quality gear at great prices. Primarily we provide arboricultural products to the tree care profession but SherrillTree also connects quite frequently with other tree-climbing enthusiasts including educators, scientists and recreational climbers. Commitment to quality is our team's goal. Our staff is made up of professionals who strive to serve both trees and customers with the right solutions for health, safety and long-term growth. Our employees are dedicated to providing the innovative tools that the tree care industry needs and are obsessed with providing the best tools and knowledge to move the trade forward. Dedication to product development, onsite testing, rope-splicing technologies and customer service are what will always remain the key to SherrillTree’s premier reputation in the tree caring industries. Read more: http://www.sherrilltree.com/About-Us#ixzz2Yepg4ari