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  • Rome Medical Group at phone number 315-337-0019 include Drs Sarah Shirazi, Bruce C Slagle,Kathleen Garbooshian,Roe Penistone and Dinette J. Joseph. At phone # 315-337-3770 Drs Erick C. Bulawa, Gibran A Tallimand and Vivienne Taylor. Rome Medical, read more Rome Medical Group at phone number 315-337-0019 include Drs Sarah Shirazi, Bruce C Slagle,Kathleen Garbooshian,Roe Peniston and Danette J. Joseph. At phone # 315-337-3770 Drs Erick C. Bulawa, Gibran A Tallimand and Vivienne Taylor. Rome Medical group Pediatrics Phone number 315-337-2456 Erick C. Bulawa,Andrew Halpern,Vivienne Taylor. Gulnara Rubinshteyn and Kathy-Ann Irish-Benjamin Less Rome Medical Group at phone number 315-337-0019 include Drs Sarah Shirazi, Bruce C Slagle,Kathleen Garbooshian,Roe Peniston and Danette J. Joseph. At phone # 315-337-3770 Drs Erick C. Bulawa, Gibran A Tallimand and Vivienne Taylor. Rome Medical group Pediatrics Phone number 315-337-2456 Erick C. Bulawa,Andrew Halpern,Vivienne Taylor. Gulnara Rubinshteyn and Kathy-Ann Irish-Benjamin