Additional Information

  • Real Estate Agents, Foreclosure Lawyers, Mortgages, Financial Advisors & Planners, Bankruptcy Lawyers, Criminal Lawyers, Traffic Lawyers, DUI Lawyers
  • Reckless Driving, Misdemeanors, Jail Consultations, Criminal Appeals, Hospital Consultations, Hospital Consultations, Free Consultations, Free Consultations, State Courts, Municipal Courts

About Us

  • Since 1996, the Law Office of Joseph J. Rogers has helped people in Camden, Gloucester, Burlington, Cumberland, Atlantic and Salem counties with their legal needs, focusing on consumer bankruptcy law, municipal traffic court, real estate and wills. Especially in these times, bankruptcy is a workable option for dealing with your financial problems such as home foreclosure or credit card debt. The bills are stacking up, demanding calls and letters are arriving with increasing frequency and despite the best of efforts, the overdue debts just cannot be paid. You want to stop the phone calls in the middle of the night and at your work. You want help right now. We can help stop the debt collectors. We can help you get the bankruptcy relief you need and deserve. We can help you claim exemptions to keep your property. In chapter 13 cases, we can often help you to keep your house. Once considered a last resort, bankruptcy has evolved into an accepted method of resolving serious financial problems. You can save your home and car; you can stop evictions; and in most cases, you can still get rid of your credit card debt. If you, your friends or family members are experiencing financial problems that may be helped by bankruptcy laws, please call my office as soon as possible.

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