About Us

  • Specializing in Hard to Find and Out of Print.

    Thank you for considering Record Benders. We offer service to the residents of Bellevue, NE.

    Disc Repair Experts

    The trained professionals at Record Benders in Bellevue, NE are known for their expertise in disc repair service. We'll use top-notch equipment and the latest technology to repair your CDs and old records. In addition to repairing your discs, we'll also offer you antique pieces for collection and decoration purposes. We are sure that you'll find our prices competitive. We serve Bellevue, NE and the metro area.

    Music Inventory:

    Antiques and Collectibles
    Books and Records

    Our Services Include:

    Disc Repair
    Turntable Sales and Supplies
    Vinyl Flattening
    Talk to Our Experts

    We'll take care of your musical needs at reasonable prices. Call us for more information.

    Our goal is to always exceed your expectations. Please call us today for more information.