
  • Regular Hours
  • Add'l Hours Info: 8:00AM - 8:00PM Saturday through Sunday

Experience & Reliability

  • In Business Since: 1980
  • Insured
  • Licensed
  • Certified Technicians

Mold Remediation Services

  • Mold Remediation & Removal


  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Discover
  • Personal Checks

About Us

  • Quigley Company was founded in 1980 and is locally owned and operated. For quality Eastern MA mold remediation services, trust the professionals at Quigley Company and our team of mold remediation contractors. We provide clients with quality remediation and restoration services to restore their property to pre-loss condition. Quigley takes an individual approach with each customer to ensure that their every need and want is met. Our company strives for complete customer satisfaction and knows a satisfied customer is our best source of advertisement. This is accomplished through quality craftsmanship and outstanding customer service. We specialize in attic mold removal for real estate transactions. Not only will we put your sale back on track, we can also evaluate the cause of your attic mold problem and develop a solution that will prevent microbial activity from re-occurring. If there is suspected mold in your home, contact the professionals at Quigley Company today. Our team has the tools and experience to take care of the problem quickly, efficiently and typically within one day.