Additional Information

  • Categories: Antique Dealers, Art Supplies & Craft Stores, Clocks & Clock Repair, Bookstores, Comic Books, Collectibles, Landmarks & Historical Buildings
  • Payment Options: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Check, Cash


  • Regular Hours
    10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Add'l Hours Info: Also open anytime the open sign in the front window is on. Online Sales:

About Us

  • Paper Moon Antiques specializes in Authentic Antiques. We carry unusual quality vintage items as well. We handle a variety of antique desks, hall trees, dressers, wash stands, cupboards, china cabinets and curios, marble top tables, dining tables and chairs, rocking chairs, parlor and lamp tables in a number of styles and time periods. Hand-painted Nippon and Prussia-types of porcelain china are available, as well as flow blue, mulberry and polychrome pieces of china and numerous types of antique stoneware, Pottery of American, Asian, and European origin is on hand. Fiestaware and other types of dinnerware are carried. A large variety of small toys and other childrens items are in stock. A large variety of antique glass including carnival glass. art glass, depression glass, early american pattern glass, opalescent glass, amberina, custard, chocolate glass, satin glass, rubina, cranberry and a variety too numerous to list. We also handle tools, sports items, antique books, historical items and military collectables. Buying antiques at Paper Moon Antiques is a fun adventure. We also have World War I and II books as well as numerous deditions of local interst. Old comic books are for sale in a number of areas including super heros. Antique Furniture: At Paper Moon Antiques you will find Oak, Walnut, Cherry, Pine, Maple, and sometimes exotic wood furniture. Examples include marble top tables, bedroom furniture, desks, office furniture, dining room furniture, living room and parlor furniture, kitchen furniture, chairs and rocking chairs, ice boxes, pie safes, cupboards, sideboards, book cases, and other pieces of antique furniture too numerous to mention. We carry many styles including victorian, art deco, arts and crafts, as well as mid-century. The antiques field encompases a lot of categories and is very diverse in tastes and interests. There is lasting value in antiques and in knowing what to buy. We have over 40 years of experience in antiques.