
  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Experience & Reliability

    • Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • In Business Since: 2006
  • Years of Experience: 30
  • Family Owned & Operated
  • Insured
  • Bonded
  • All Work Owner Supervised
  • References Available
  • Owner Performs All Work
  • Expert Craftsmen

Chimney Services

  • Chimney Rebuilding
  • Chimney Repointing & Repairs


    • Senior Citizen Discounts


  • Personal Checks

About Us

  • As a recognized industry leader, our masonry restoration and inspection services assist building and home owners in extending the life cycle of their structures. Our 15 years of experience assures efficiency, safety and quality by using the proper materials and installation procedures. This unparalleled experience has earned us a reputation for providing clients with the highest quality repair services available. Our solutions are applicable to the repair of all structures including buildings and historic structures. Our talented craftsmen bring years of experience to each project. They provide a dedication to accuracy and detail that make it possible to deliver superior restoration results while remaining true to a building’s original appearance. North Coast Masonry offers a wide range of masonry restoration services including tuck-pointing, brick matching and replacement, mortar color matching, caulking, waterproofing, flashing repairs, chimney repairs. North Coast Masonry delivers the experience and capability to repair all types of problems in masonry construction. Repairs such as masonry tuck-pointing can not only add years of service to a structure but it can restore the original architectural aesthetics of the home or building. With an impeccable record of safety, and a reputation for successful facade repair projects, North Coast Masonry is a premier provider of this highly specialized service. What makes facade projects different from plaza, garage and other projects is the high cost of accessing the work area. Installing scaffolding, swing stages, man lifts or access equipment can be costly. North Coast Masonry has the in-house capabilities and equipment to perform every task. As a full service restoration contractor, we are uniquely qualified to provide maintenance services for your home or building structure and offer a One year warranty on all work we perform. North Coast Masonry has completed hundreds of masonry restoration and tuck-pointing projects. Our leadership is poised to bring the widest range of solutions to your restoration project. We welcome the opportunity to give you a detailed inspection report of your restoration project. Please feel free to call and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.