
  • Add'l Hours Info: Mon - Fri 10 a.m - 8 p.m

About Us

  • The founder and president (and cinematographer extraordinaire) of New Jersey Videography is Alex Perelmuter. He shot his first wedding in 1984. A budding film student and avid photographer, the NJ wedding videographer, photographer believed he found his calling after that first experience. “I was so honored to be a part of the intimacy that occurs during weddings,” says Alex of his first wedding shoot. “I was so impressed with the entire process and didn’t want to intrude on any of it. I wanted to be that proverbial fly on the wall. I did everything I could to remain invisible, so to speak. And the couple was so happy with the results that I just ran with it and here I am today.” Alex Perelmuter couldn’t and wouldn’t compromise the standards he set right from the very beginning of his film career. He took experienced videography tips from top talent throughout the region and added strong business strategies that led, ultimately, to developing New Jersey Videography into the highly rated firm it is. And it’s that consistent striving for excellence that landed him: