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  • Categories: Psychologists
  • Products: What does the National Alliance on Mental Illness do in Kansas?

    * With our affiliates, we pro

About Us

  • What does the National Alliance on Mental Illness do in Kansas? * With our affiliates, we provide education, peer support, and advocacy for people living with mental illness, and their families and friends. * We advocate for improved community-based care for people living with mental illness, such as improved access to medication, housing, and supported employment. * We work to improve institutions and organizations in Kansas that serve people living with mental illness. * We help show the importance of funding research on mental illness. * We provide free education programs to the community regarding mental illness and its treatment. * We advocate to eliminate discrimination and stigma against people living with mental illness. Most NAMI activities are free of charge. You do not need to be a member to participate. But your membership and your contributions make NAMI stronger and better able to accomplish our important mission.