Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1998

About Us

  • Your first visit to the Mt. Carmel Chiropractic Clinic will give you the opportunity to find out if chiropractic care can help you. After completing your case history form, you will have the opportunity to view a short educational video introducing you to Chiropractic care. Dr. Potts will then review your case history with you and complete any questions that he may have regarding your health history. Dr. Potts will then perform a thorough orthopedic and neurological examination of the area of complaint. Most of the time x-rays are necessary and will be taken in our office. Your first visit will be completed by scheduling your report of findings with the front desk staff. Expect your first office visit to take from 45 minutes to an hour from the time you begin your paperwork to the time schedule your report of findings.On your second visit to the Mt. Carmel Chiropractic Clinic, you will view a short report of findings video to prepare you for your written report of findings. Dr. Potts will then present your findings and recommendations for care. The cause of your problem, the solution and the frequency of your care will all be covered during this meeting. Any questions you have regarding your care will be answered at this time. If there are no further questions, your recommended treatment plan will begin at this time. Spouses, parents and/or other family members are encouraged to attend on this visit. At the completion of your visit, your written treatment plan will be advance scheduled at the time that will be most convenient for you. Expect your second office visit to take from 30 to 45 minutes from the time you sign-in to the time you exit.Routine visits in our office should be completed within 20 minutes from the time you sign-in to the time you exit. Please visit our website for symptom information, and a list of full services.