Additional Information
Categories: Chiropractors
Services: Chiropractic Care, Chiropractic Adjustments, Corrective Exercises, Lifestyle Advice, Nutritional Counseling, Spinal & Postural Screenings
- Regular Hours
09:00 AM
05:00 PM
09:00 AM
04:00 PM
09:00 AM
05:00 PM
09:00 AM
04:00 PM
09:00 AM
05:00 PM
10:00 AM
02:00 PM
Add'l Hours Info: Sunday by appointment
About Us
Mi Spine Management Clinic is led by our licensed and experienced chiropractor, Dr. Raychouni, who provides exceptional chiropractic care in Dearborn Heights and Allen Park, MI. Patients come to our clinics seeking treatment for various acute and chronic neck and back pain conditions. These ailments often stem from musculoskeletal problems caused by an injury on the job, from a car accident, lifting heavy objects, or while playing sports. Dr. Raychouni will combine his passion for spine health with non-medical adjustments and therapies to deliver effective pain relief and improve mobility.