- Regular Hours
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05:00 PM
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05:00 PM
About Us
Metro Construction Company is a general contracting company based in Lansing, Michigan. We specialize in timely and cost-efficient completion of commercial and multi-family construction projects. Metro was formed in 1994 to act as a general contractor for the owner's investment properties. We perceived a demand for responsive, professional, and fair general contractors. For over two decades, Metro has developed a solid base of reliable employees, subcontractors, suppliers, and other professionals enabling us to achieve on-time, on-budget performance. Metro has strived to provide excellent service and has successfully established a significant group of repeat clients. In many cases, contracts are not competitively bid but negotiated due to the trust earned with our clients. Metro Construction Company continues to capitalize on the experience of its staff, subcontractors and suppliers to provide quality service, while focusing on the long term goals of building professional relationships and expanding into new markets. We not only want to build your current project, we want to build your future projects.