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24/7 Customer Service
Experience & Reliability
In Business Since: 1994
Years of Experience: 19
BBB Rating Available
Family Owned & Operated
License Numbers: upon request
Employee Background Checks
All Work Owner Supervised
Employee Drug Testing
References Available
Expert Craftsmen
Experienced Technicians
Concrete Services
Concrete Repairs
Stamped Concrete
Commercial Concrete Work
General Contracting Services
Custom Home Construction
General Home Remodeling
Mason Services
Natural Stone
Paving Services
Asphalt Paving
Interlocking Paving Stones
Stucco Services
Stucco Coatings - Commercial
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American Express
Personal Checks
About Us
Master Lift offers a wide variety of high-quality foundation repair and drainage services for both residential and commercial properties. Put us to work for you and we’ll be your “go-to” for any questions or concerns you may have during the course of your project.
Master Lift is a full service foundation repair and drainage contractor based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We deliver quality without compromise! The foundation industry is demanding, timelines are tight and competition is fierce. Technology and processes are constantly evolving and our clients have precise needs. It’s for these reasons that Master Lift thrives as a foundation repair and drainage contractor. We accept every challenge and view them as opportunities for growth and professional advancement for our company and for our clients. From foundation repair, french drains, crawlspace repair, slab repair services, we aim to make each customer a life-long client by adding value to the repair process. Superior quality, attention to detail, safety and a partnering approach define our blueprint for every project. We believe in sound communication and proper project management. Whether our projects are residential or commercial, large or small, they all follow the same systems and procedures. We want our clients to completely understand the repair process and believe our clients have a substantial impact on the success of the project.
We ensure the job gets done right the first time, everytime. You’ll be glad you are just as involved in the repair process as we are. We work side by side with you every step of the way ensuring 100% satisfaction. We treat every project as if it were our own home or commercial building.
We are happy to schedule an appointment with you at your convenience. Whether it’s foundation repair, french drains, crawlspace repair, slab repair, residential or commercial, we get the job done. We’ll meet with you to analyze your job requirements, provide you with a free estimate, and negotiate with your insurance company if necessary. Master Lift makes your job easy.
Let us provide you with a free no obligation estimate and show you why our customers prefer our services!