
  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 06:00 PM


  • Call & Speak Directly To An Attorney

Experience & Reliability

  • Licensed

Criminal Law

  • Criminal Defense


  • DUI / DWI

State Licensing

Languages Spoken

  • Spanish

About Us

  • Erick Victor Muñoz has been practicing law in the Los Angeles area for nearly ten years, with a focus on criminal defense as a trial lawyer. Through his numerous, successful defenses he has garnered a reputation as a savvy advocate who is willing to go to the mat for his clients and is unafraid to try any case. Erick Victor Muñoz began his career as a public defender winning trials in criminal cases from East Los Angeles to South-central. Following his work as a public defender, Mr. Muñoz then joined a large private firm to gain experience with civil practice and improve his litigation and motion skills. He now has a unique dual perspective: Both an alumni of a large firm and its complex litigation and a successful jury trial lawyer fighting on the behalf of impoverished defendents. He began his own practice several years ago and his clients have benefitted from his unique background and experience. Most importantly, unlike the typical law firm, Erick will see your case through to the end and will be the one who defends you in court. Erick has won cases in many different areas of criminal law - from DUI cases to helping the victims of “notario” immigration fraud. Call now for a free consultation from the lawyer who will actually defend you in court.