Additional Information

  • Categories: Campgrounds & RV Parks
  • Payment Options: Cash, Check


  • Regular Hours
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Add'l Hours Info: May calll whenever necessary and we can help you out..

About Us

  • RV Parking with Alva City water, all new utilities, very flat surface, storm shelter, graveled spots, have 37 sites ready for operation. Lots are 25 X 70. All spots are 30 and 50 amp. We have four 200 amp spots.

    There is also a storm shelter in case of bad weather with electricity.

    Dacoma is a small, quiet community and has a Co-op and has a restaurant. Dacoma is 17 miles SE of Alva; 17 miles SW of Cherokee; approx. 25 miles NE of Waynoka; approx. 20 miles E. of Avard location; and 10 miles NW of Carmen. People here are very friendly.

    The company pay the monthly bills of OG&E, City of Dacoma sewer and Alva City water plus internet service as well as trash haul off.

    We would appreciate your business.

    For entertainment one may visit The Great Salt Plains near Jet, Ok which is about 30 minutes away, Little Sarah Sand Dunes, approx.30 minutes away near Waynoka, and Alabaster Caverns near Freedom is apprx, 30 minutes from Dacoma.

    DACOMA IS A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE. If there are children, school buses come in from Alva, Cherokee and Waynoka or your choice of schools. There are also two churches in Dacoma.

    May call at any time.

    There are two RV parks in Dacoma. Our park is the further one to the North. Most lots have a tree for shade.

    ***We also have one (1) 37 foot RV that has one large slide out in the living room/kitchen. The ) interior is done in a light blue and has been taken very good care of. It is available fully stocked with bedding, pots, pans, towels, dishes, bowls etc. It is in excellent condition and is ready to be moved in.***