Additional Information

  • Categories: Gyms, Lessons & Instructors (Sports/Active), Personal Trainers, Fitness & Sports Clubs

About Us

  • The Art and Science of Fight Conditioning

    InFighting Shape (IFS) is the premier New York City area fight training and testing facility. We offer a full compliment of state of the art fight conditioning and fitness services to fit the needs of everyone. From the mom who wants to use a fight conditioning program to become lean and stay fit, to the professional athlete who uses fight conditioning to become more explosive.

    IFS training is derived from weightlifting, calisthenics, plyometrics and the training drills and practices of various martial arts. IFS training is uniquely designed to increase muscular development, cardiovascular conditioning and functional strength and power all while rapidly improving fight technique. No other single training program will allow an athlete to achieve such a high level of general fitness conditioning in such a short period of time.

    For more information on IFS classes, personal training, fitness testing and recovery services they offer visit the website, or call (212) 727-7627.