
  • Evening & Weekend Appointments
  • All Calls Answered 24/7

Experience & Reliability

    • Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • In Business Since: 2012


  • Health Insurance


  • Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
  • American Express
  • Credit Cards Accepted:
  • MasterCard
  • PayPal
  • Visa

About Us

  • FOR LONG LIFE Inc., USA is an international industrial group in the field of health, lifestyle, ecology and quality of life that combines Industrial leaders, scientists and researchers from all over the globe with aim to develop unique products to serve the health of people. Our well established international network combines knowledge of different fields to understand what science can provide today for the needs of people worldwide. The combination of scientists and business people provide us with a unique set of knowledge and understanding of the status of science and the market. Based on this cooperation and knowledge, we have already developed different products of which Light of Life is ready for international launch, and other unique and outstanding products are in the development phase.