Additional Information

  • Categories: Boat Equipment & Supplies, Boat Repair

About Us

  • We do it all from repair to installation. We are a certified dealer and installer of Power-Pole and Blue Water LED. Give us a call or stop in and check out our Blue Water LED's or go to for examples and styles. Give your boat, trailer, truck or anything else you have some extra lighting. They come with a LIFETIME WARRANTY! We paint and bezel on Lowrance HDS units. If your in need of a part or prop or anything in between if we don't have it we can get it for you. We have in house detailing and color restoration, also adding this spring upholstering. Insurance work and boat pick up available. Electriacl installaton and repiar. If your in need of a part or prop or anything in between if we don't have it we can get it for you. Don't hesitate to call or stop in. Spring is coming soon! Make your appointment to get your boat tuned up, cleaned and ready for the season.. We are open Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm. Saturday and Sunday's appoinment only. Great work and down home customer service since 2010.