
  • Regular Hours

    By Appointment

    By Appointment

    By Appointment

    By Appointment

    By Appointment

    By Appointment

    By Appointment


  • Evening & Weekend Appointments

Experience & Reliability

    • Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Insured
  • Graduate of University of Massachusetts

Fee Arrangements

  • Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Personal Checks
  • Hourly Billing
  • Discover
  • Free Initial Consultation

Arbitration & Mediation

  • Arbitration & Mediation


  • Divorce

Family Law

  • Alimony
  • Child Custody
  • Parental Responsibility
  • Separation

About Us

  • Falmouth Mediation is a full-service, client-centered mediation practice focusing on divorce, family and business mediation. We proudly serve the communities, and surrounding areas, of Upper Cape Cod. Focused on providing an affordable forum for assisting families, individuals, groups and businesses, Falmouth Mediation helps its clients to develop their own fair and lasting solutions outside the courtroom. The mediations take place without the large investment of time and money or the antagonism and stress that adversarial litigation almost always requires. We believe that, generally, most disputes do not need to be resolved using the adversarial court system. When the courts are involved, cases often exhaust the parties' emotional and financial resources, result in a decision being imposed on the parties, and generally produce a poor outcome for everyone. For this reason we limit Falmouth Mediation to out-of-court resolutions of conflict. Because we are not involved with litigated cases, our services are targeted, affordable and responsive to the needs of the clients rather than spent on lengthy and inefficient court appearances or emergency filings. As a result, we can control our clients’ costs to a greater degree than we would be able to do if their case were being litigated. Most importantly, our focus on non-adversarial mediation and client self-determination enables us to direct our attention to listening and helping our clients make their own responsible decisions to resolve matters and find the best solution for all concerned. Working without any professional help and engaging in an all-out litigation war are two ends of the spectrum, neither of which is desirable by the vast majority of people. We urge you to contact us to explore the wide range of services that we offer to help you resolve your conflicts.