About Us

  • Colorado Counselor Training provides top training for Colorado addiction counselors. We also provide the continuing education necessary to meet your continuing professional development requirements to renew, reinstate, or reactivate your professional counseling license. The Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC) training program is designed to help individuals acquire the skills and certification necessary to counsel those who suffer from the effects of substance abuse. The addiction counseling training program meets the educational and training requirements established according to regulations from the State of Colorado and was developed by the Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) and the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) in conjunction with professionals and experts in the field of substance abuse. Participants completing this addiction counselor training program will be prepared to apply for certification or licensure from DORA. It is Colorado Counselor Training’s mission to facilitate the growth and development of Colorado’s Addiction Counselors and Mental Health Professionals by providing effective, affordable and accessible training. Colorado Counselor Training provides online CAC courses along with in person skills courses with the emphasis on acquisition and application of the interpersonal skills necessary to better interact with and deliver treatment to those who struggle with substance use issues. Please visit our website at http://www.coloradocounselortraining.com for more information and online registration.