About Us

  • Channen Day is an experienced attorney who successfully handles family and criminal law cases in the Safford and Clifton, Arizona area. He is committed to his clients and works vigorously to get them the very best possible result.

    In life we often say "you get what you pay for" and that is very true when it comes to protecting your rights. If your case matters to you, make sure that you have a true advocate on your side.

    Areas of Practice:

    Criminal Defense:
    - Drug Possession
    - D.U.I
    - Assault
    - Theft/Burglary
    - Sex Crimes
    - Disorderly Conduct

    Family Law:
    - Divorce
    - Child Custody
    - Child Support
    - Grandparent Visitation
    - Adoption
    - Custody by a Non-Parent

    For Effective and Professional Legal Representation Call Today. Clifton Office - 928-865-4500 501 N Coronado Boulevard Clifton, AZ 85533