
  • By Appointment Only

Experience & Reliability

  • Doctorate in Psychology
  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist

About Us

  • Carl Johnson is a clinical psychologist living and practicing in Winchester, Virginia. His specialty is helping people affected by traumatic events. He has published articles on his work and has led two dozen treatment missions to war-devastated nations such as Kosovo and Rwanda. In this work, most of his intervention has been done with Thought Field Therapy [ TFT ], a leading method within the blossoming field of Energy Pyschology. This therapeutic orientation attributes the relentless, unyielding suffering of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [ PTSD ] to imbalances in the body's systems of healing energy. It has become possible to correct these imbalances with just a few sessions of treatment. Dr. Johnson received his PhD from the University of Georgia and learned advanced Thought Field Therapy from its founder, Dr. Roger Callahan. Dr. Johnson came to Winchester from Richmond, where he served on the faculties of Virginia Commonwealth University and the Medical College of Virginia. He is a former president of the Richmond Psychological Association and a Diplomate in Clinical Psychology of the American Board of Professional Psychology. He is now retired from hospital work and continues to help victims of PTSD, caused recently or even long ago. Dr. Johnson's practice of clinical psychology has included the full range of therapeutic modalities. But he observed that, with PTSD, traditional therapy was producing slow or limited progress and even aggravated the symptoms of his patients, due to its focus on the painful experiences. Thought Field Therapy, however, approaches PTSD by working directly with the energy system. With TFT it now is possible to return trauma- disrupting channels of energy to their previous state of full balance, thereby restoring peace. Psychodiagnostic assessment helps to identify the effect of the trauma on the various energy meridians. Then the therapist systematically balances these specified meridians by applying noninvasive mechanical energy, or tapping Patients typically experience increasing relief as this treatment progresses. When it is complete, patients customarily report a deep sense of healing, immediately or very soon thereafter.