Additional Information

  • Categories: General Insurance, Disability Insurance, Health Insurance, Insurance Adjusters, Long Term Care Insurance, Life Insurance, Dental Insurance, Business Insurance


  • Regular Hours
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

About Us

  • Click “see more” to learn how ★★★Ambitious Sales People★★★ are moving away from the temporary income model - meaning you do something once and you get paid for it once. Permanent income means that you do something once and continue to get paid for it indefinitely… plus I’ll show you how to do it in a passive manner. This is only possible in the lucrative cash-rich industry of financial services. If you are a sales pro and you’d like to know how you can eliminate the dreaded “Burnout Phase” that all high performers experience… then we should talk. ➤➤➤Learn more here: Imagine only meeting with clients 2 to 3 times per week with the ability to make $75K per year if your average, $150K per year if you’re good and $300K per year if you’re a superstar. ☛ WHAT WE WON'T DO ➤ 60 + hour weeks ➤ Cold Calling ➤ Networking ➤ Prospecting ➤ Work on Weekends ☛ WHAT WE DO We help you start part-time (or full-time) and build your own empire within our FAST growing company. We have the best product line available in today’s financial marketplace. We hire performers, not backgrounds (or experience) and pay top commission levels with NO CAP on income potential. ☛ HOW WE DO IT We have a proven plug & play system, and a proprietary lead generation process from data research to mailing. The process allows you to focus on what you are best at… “selling”. The best part is… We help clients protect their journey through life. ☛ NOW, WHAT? If this sounds good to you, go to my website Now for complete details and to view testimonials from other salespeople that have had extraordinary success: