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About Us

  • BGI Tech Group’s goal is to be the leading technology and marketing company that provides solutions and services to the cabinetry industry in North America. BGI Tech Group was founded based on the deep understanding of the challenges of running a small business. When a group of cabinetry professionals from many different areas of the cabinetry industry started to provide cabinets to wholesalers, resellers, and independent contractors over a decade ago, they quickly realized they would rely on technologies to manage supply chain, order fulfillment, sales support, warranty and delivery. To reach the broadest customer base, they also needed a robust online presence and marketing strategy. When you start a small business, it is a full time job and you are busy running your day to day operations. Most of the time, you will not have time to think about the details that will help you increase your sales volume and boost your profit. These activities include designing and development a website, having the ecommerce capability, cost effective marketing strategy and efforts such as advertisement placement, social media presence, search engine optimization, email marketing and other activities that boost your revenue. When your business starts to grow, the original tools you utilize such as simple spreadsheets, QuickBooks cannot handle your vendors, forecast, order management, and warehouse management, as more products are introduced, demands are growing, and more staffs are hired. At BGI Tech Group, we understand these challenges and that is why we assembled a team with expertise on practical technologies to help our customer base to grow their business. We do this because we know that the cabinetry industry is a $40 billion industry in North America. We love helping our customers’ companies grow so that they can have a larger piece of the pie. Whether you just started your business or need a hand pushing your business to the next level of your revenue target, BGI Tech Group can assist you in the specific area so that you can just focus on running your business.