Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1987
  • Categories: Insulation Contractors
  • Products: * Chance Helical
    * Deep Driven Steel Piers
    * Dehumidification
    * Eliminate Mold Growth & Ro

About Us

  • Whether you're faced with a leaning basement wall or a sinking foundation, ATLAS Rapid Foundation Support Products can address your specific settlement problem. Atlas Resistance Piers and ATLAS Helical Piles can stabilize and restore even the most difficult structural damage. There are 3 things that destroy materials in general, and wood in particular: water, heat, and ultra-violet radiation. Of these, water is by far the most important. We offer real solutions to dirt crawl spaces. We can eliminate mold growth and rot. We provide moisture control and dehumidification. We are your crawl space & basement waterproofing specialists. We offer Free Estimates and a Lifetime Transferable Warranty.