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  • Categories: Clubs & Organizations, Education & Research Foundations

About Us

  • Whether you are interested in astronomy, astrophotography, science or nature, the Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus of 3RF has something fun and interesting to offer you. Come see the stars at one of our public star parties each month or check out one of our many educational programs. We also have a variety of great activities available, including hiking, camping, bird watching, science and nature programs, and scouting opportunities, just check our brand new activities page! We are located in an amazing dark sky area and you’ll be amazed! Come out and let us show you the stars! 3RF Sciences, LLC, supports science education via activities at Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus, outreach at schools from Dallas to Lubbock / Amarillo to Abilene, and partnerships with other organizations. In addition to unique capabilities in Astronomy, we offer facilities and curricula to engage students in hands-on activities related to The Plains as an integrated ecosystem. Recent additions to our campus include two outdoor classrooms, a permanent restroom/shower facility, four bunkhouses and a larger indoor classroom. Generous grants from The Priddy Foundation and The Conley Foundation, of Wichita Falls, and interested individuals allow us to reach thousands of students annually, from Kindergarten through College. Our partner organizations and large network of dedicated volunteers enrich the activities that students enjoy through 3RF Sciences.