
Check out our prices for our general admission, courtryside bus tour, and premium package options!
Check out our prices for our general admission, courtryside bus tour, and premium package options!
Explore an authentic Amish Buggy on our self-guided tour.
Explore an authentic Amish Buggy on our self-guided tour.
A sign outside one of our barns explains the origins of various unusual place names in Lancaster County.
A sign outside one of our barns explains the origins of various unusual place names in Lancaster County.
Carved wooden roosters made by our master woodcarver, with all different shapes and unique qualities.
Carved wooden roosters made by our master woodcarver, with all different shapes and unique qualities.
Chickens and roosters roam freely around our grounds, so you can get an up close look.
Chickens and roosters roam freely around our grounds, so you can get an up close look.


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