Infants showing us language and literacy development by making early attempts at speaking, including cooing, babbling, and forming first words while enjoying playing in the sand with Ms. Brittany.
Mobile infants showing social and emotional development by beginning to interact with other children, smiling, and vocalizing while playing in the water with Ms. Vicky.
Ms. Amanda begins promoting physical development and wellness by playing a game of Find the Fish to increase the ability to control hand movements.
Our Discovery Preschool Classroom is showing us their physical development and wellness by working on moving like animals outside with Ms. Ashley.
Our Discovery Preschool class begins to show us executive function by ignoring distractions for several minutes while listening to the fire fighters and Ms. Lizzy.
Ms. Tiffany is promoting creative expression by getting the children to create detailed artwork that includes early representations of objects.
Ms. Calyn and our Preschool class is showing us cognitive development by connecting number words to their numerals.
Ms. Rachelle and our Prekindergarten class are showing us how language and literacy develop. Here they start to write their own name as well as many other letters.
Ms. Jenna and our Prekindergarten Classroom begins to build physical development by using scissors to cut simple shapes.
Toddler Playground
Our playground has many enhancements to bring our "Take It Outdoors" activities to life.
Our playground has many enhancements to bring our "Take It Outdoors" activities to life.
Our playground has many enhancements to bring our "Take It Outdoors" activities to life.