We're located on Old Las Vegas Highway, also known asRoute 66. This is along a section of our fence. People stop to take their pictures with the signage.
Front island greets you as you arrive
Entrance to store, laundry, bathrooms, patio and grill area.
Sadie with owner Larry
Our patio is also a Cell Phone HOT SPOT improving cell phone service when in a very rural area.
Complete with homemade ice cream competition
During summer months you can find many hummingbirds in the campground
All cabins have ceiling fans with lighting, heater, swing on porch, with picnic table and grill in yard. Some have had walls sanded and re-varnished. Some desk tops have been redone, moved to window and bar stools added.
Cactus in back island
Pinon and Juniper trees abound throughout the campground
Might see some really interesting rigs, trucks, etc